Tuesday 31 July 2007

The Lowdown

The week just gone was (in two words) fucking brilliant.

Opinions of the following are:

  • Harry Potter (film): boring and nothing like the book.
  • Harry Potter (book): brilliant.
  • Spanish food: divine.
  • Sangria: divine(er).
  • Being officially the oldest in your group of friends: shit.
  • Watching my friend stumble in the gutter after too much sangria: hilarious.
  • Brother's new girlfriend: bitch (with a huge nose).
  • Finding a new vintage jewellery stall and getting a birthday discount: lovely jubly.
  • Having cash to spend in the sales (guess where I'm going tomorrow): great.
  • Spending a weekend with my fantastic boyfriend in a suite in a fantastic central London hotel (and not venturing out much): THE BEST

I know there is more but my mind is all jumbled and I've just been handed a new magazine with my new shoes on the front so I'm ever so slightly distracted.

Off for a bath and will post something more later on.


Saturday 21 July 2007

Best laid plans...

Always go to pot!

As predicted my full 9 days of birthday plans have already gone tits up and require some serious rescheduling....bugger.

kinky weekend no.1 has been placed on hold and will actually take palce after no.2 (floods, floods and more floods...even my dads 4x4 was having problems!...and no chelsea tractoring us! Its a lil' one and he DOES use it off road!)

Family dinner is being replaced with a night with my fantastic boyfriend (a much inproved plan) and has been moved to next week.

One of the friends that HAD to come to friends dinner and booze up has been pulled into her mum's motor and is now in Cornwall for a week...bugger. Will still be going out but not the same way, that is (of course) on hold.

Oh well....I'm still getting pressies!

Friday 20 July 2007

ooh ooh ooooooh

(no that isn't part of the kinky weekend ppl)

Oooohhh Birthday plans also include....

Seeing Harry Potter!
How could I forget?

Lol I wonder if someone will buy the book too?

Betcha thought I'd run away?

I haven't died, or run away, I've just been stuck in a bastarding rubbish job for the past 5 days.

God it was awful.

And I've already given up...I'm not proud of that fact in the slightest.

It was a telesales job and I just wasn't cut out for it to be honest. Sitting at that desk for 8 hours a day under fluro lights with bright sunshine streaming into my eyes...well that equals a nast combination of boredom, bad backache (for an 18yrold!!!!) and nasty migraines. Not to mention the fact that with all this energy saving going on...why were the lights on?!

Nah, I couldn't hack constantly calling people, then calling them back to check they were sure. Then calling a couple of hours later with a new offer and all that.

I need money, but not that much.

(I can ask me mum for a couple more months!! He he)

So, I'm unemployed again, but £250 better off for it, with a little bit of extra work experience to stick on me CV, not a totally wasted experience then.

On a slightly brighter note (well dimmer, because I actually turn lights off during the day) It is my birthday next week, no more being a just legal 18yr old, I'll be a fully fledged adult (yeright) at 19...woo!

Plans include a kinky weekend, a family dinner, getting sloshed, a silly day out, a friends dinner out (plus getting sloshed) and then another kinky weekend. I so love having birthdays in the holidays!!!

But then...how often do you actually stick to plans?

Oh yeah....I PROMISE to get this bloody blog looking less brand new soon with something a bit personalised in the sidebar soon!

Saturday 14 July 2007

Confession I

I would really, really like to see the new Harry Potter film.

Sorry for dashing any hopes of coolness.


Is it just me or is Bank station officially THE most confuzzling tube station in London? Bloody hell I spent five minutes walking around the corridors before I even caught a glimpse of a way out sign they I ended up on Lombard street (I think) SO not the street I wanted! Que me walking around like a lost penguin for 10 minutes trying to find the street I was meant to come out on to meet my friends!!. And fuck me how big is it?! It's actually two stations in one...drives me mad! A 10 minute friggin walk just to change trains? Are they having a laugh???

OK enough about trains, I'm not some sort of annorak thing or anything like that, I just go off on rants every now and then...you'll get used to it my lovelies don't worry.

Oh and my notes about the smoking ban causing my friends and I to walk in the roads, risking collision with nutty courier drivers and choking our way along the road? Sooooo true! I've not seen so many people hanging around in the streets since the English Rugby team won the world cup whatsit thing!!!

On the plus side though...plenty of seats inside the pub :)

Thursday 12 July 2007

tired now

I'm tired and about to scramble into bed and pull the covers up to my chin for a nice snuggly night's sleep.

I feel absolutely fucked. Unfortunately not through participating in that act, but feeling fucked nonetheless.

Good luck tomorrow everyone, and remember, if you see a cat called Felix keep him/her close...They're Lucky y'know.

Nighty Night.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Sure it was the lips that done it

I have a job!!!

Oh yes people, the previously unemployable is now earning!!


Start on Monday, pays great....soooo going shopping in two weeks time!!

I'm a working girl!!

No! Not THAT kind! But I have a job! yay!

OK no more job stuff from now on....well maybe on Monday :P

Monday 9 July 2007

Guess What?

No seriously...guess. What's got Red all happy and list-making?!

I'm a lazy cow...sorry

It appears I'm already lagging behind in posts. Well I was always shit at keeping diaries so I guess it's the same problem. It doesn't help that absolutely sod all has happened the past couple of days!!!

Still no work but I've decided that instead of dinner I'll pay a student £4.50 for a haircut and new colour...well a new look always makes you feel more confident right?

Friday 6 July 2007


Finding a job in London, for the summer, with very limited work experience, is bloody impossible.

And I need money!!!


going to throw a tantrum now, please cover all sharp edges.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

I think too much

Encroaching on my last post, I’m putting together my links and there are bloody loads of them in my favourites which I’m thinking about putting on here. But what if someone clicks on one and finds something that they find horrific? (not that anything I read is, but people’s opinions and tastes are obviously vast) So surely the way to combat this is to put all links of specific topics under titles? But then if you neglect to click on one because of its subject you could be missing out on so much!!

Hmmm…just click on all of them people.

Go on…give ‘em a go :)

(When I stick them up of course)

Sunday 1 July 2007


Most of the blogs I read have a theme, not necessarily the same theme but each bloggers’ blog tends to centre around something in their lives. It could be sex, it could be work, it could be the place they live. Or it might just be a random collection of things that have happened in their lives, however, even then the content seems to be based on a singular aspect of their lives. Perhaps that’s just for privacy or perhaps it’s out of embarrassment about other aspects of their life, I don’t know. But I do know that I haven’t a clue what theme I should base this on.

Be prepared people, I warn you, this could be very, very random blogginess.


So from today no one can smoke inside a public place or workplace, seriously how is this going to work?

I mean, I don't smoke neither do many of my close friends and my boyfriend is in the process of quitting so it really isn't going to affect us in any major way. Except of course for when we are walking down the narrow streets of central London and there are hoards of people standing just outside a building puffing away like it will save their lives. Not only will my friends and I end up absolutely reeking of stale smoke because of all the huge noxious clouds we will have to walk through but we will also have to step into the roads to get around said groups and possibly get run over by a speeding cabbie trying to finish his latest job so that he can get out and have a fag as well.

For fucks sake I thought this whole ban was for the health of the country? Seems like we're gonna be at an even bigger risk now.