Friday 17 August 2007

The day has passed

Most of you will know that yesterday was judgement day for thousands of 18/19 yr olds. We found out if all the hard work (cough) and hours of studying we had put in over the last two years had paid off. Whether we would get into uni or be destined for a life working in Woolworth's (as our parents so often threatened us with when our heads ached too much to go to college).

(in booming voice)
The exam papers are in.

The marks have be made.

The Bell curve processed.

And...Red's A level grades are:



......(C'mon already!!!).....


Wooohooooooo! Liverpool better be ready for me 'cos here I come!!!

The gutting thing is, however, that I was 2 marks away from an A in biology and only 9 marks away in chemistry...twat.

But who cares? I can chuck out all my old notes (that I don't need next year) now without fear of failure-jinx! Get in!!

As you can imagine the local wetherspoon's was full of students for the rest of the day (we got our results at about 11am!) and definitely made a profit! From the students drowning their sorrows over missed opportunities to the others determined to kill every brain cell that got them into university just two months ago...there was serious drinking to be done! And with a single shot of JD and coke costing just £1.50 a go...well we found it a bit difficult to get back up the hill to the station afterwards!

Today it is just about sinking in that I got that A...I have been seriously shitting myself the past couple of months and I'm sure I've been running on adrenaline or something for bloody ages and it's finally run out...I'm fucking knackered.

On the menu tonight...death by chocolate and champagne!

1 comment:

Vi said...


Well done lippy. Have fun in Liverpool!