Monday 27 August 2007

Girls just wanna SHOP!

Went shopping with two friends today.

I've known Kate and Sophia for years now and we know literally everything about each other. The only things we don't know are those things that are so unimportant that we can't even remember it ourselves. Of course, in the case of Kate, who rambles even more than I do...she has forgotten nothing and will spill her entire life story to anyone with the poor sense to listen in five minutes flat. (FYI...if you ever meet her...take's hilarious!).

So yeah, we know all there is to know about each other and because of that Sophia decided that my 'sickliness' was actually just because I was so totally pissed of with the situation with the boyfriend. She called Kate, filled her in and an hour later they were standing on my doorstep demanding my presence on Oxford Street within the next 30 minutes.

They even raided my friggin wardrobe to get me ready quicker.

Their solution wasn't just shopping. No. It was the kind of shopping that involves Anne Summer, Harmony, La senza and all the lovely (too expensive to even dream about actually buying from) shops just off of Dean street...think leather, PVC, silk and (I'm pretty sure) diamond encrusted nipple twirling thingies.

Seriously...if you've got money...there is one serious undies shop at the end of Dean Street opposite Costa Coffee that NEEDS to be visited! It's even nicer than the Agent Provocateur that's two streets along.

It was a pretty good day as it happens. Tonight I'm sitting on my bed surrounded by a bag full of la senza goodies. Dreams of some gorgeous cuffs and shoes from harmony and a brand new rabbit from Anne Summers (Actually the rabbit is in my bedside drawer...can't leave that in the open now!). I'm now about £150 poorer than I was...damn but it was a good shop (And the rabbit is truly appreciated).

Oh and then we went to Haagen dazs for lunch...well ice cream...same thing!


Vi said...

I'm contemplating new monitor, or new rabbit, what should it be????

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