Saturday 4 August 2007


Not ten minutes ago I concluded that I am the best cook on the Earth. 9 minutes and 45 seconds later I'm sure someone else thought the same thing but nevertheless...the dinner I just cooked was bloody gorgeous!

Not so good, however, is the fact I just used the last of my Dad's drambuie for the marinade and I don't think he is going to be very pleased when he gets home!

Mmmmm...seriously, that dinner was good!

Anyhows. I know the other day I promised another post, but during my bath I got a phonecall from my boyfriend. Since seeing him would have involved a 4 hour train journey and £50 we did the next best thing and had a good old natter for the next three hours. And a little bit more than normal nattering too if you know what I'm saying?

He he.

So I'm sorry but that took priority and I have been busy since! How on Earth do people blog every day? And sometimes twice a day? Where is the time??? If you have one of them tim-turner things lend it here! was I?

Oh...and don't even mention that I'm at home on a Saturday night cooking dinner on my own...I know and I ain't exactly happy about it!

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