Friday 24 August 2007

My blogging has definitely taken a hit recently, but can you blame me? (well yes I'm sure you will) You see, after getting those results it hit me...I'm leaving...I'll have a new home and...
I've bought nothing for it!!!

So I've been balancing a bit of a busy life for the past week or so. In between buying new clothes, cushions and duvet covers and trying to understand the complexities that are kitchen appliances, I've also been getting rat arsed with friends, being fed to bursting point on nights out with my family and walking my neighbour's dog for £7 an hour...not great work but a few extra spending pennies is always appreciated!

In fact, I think the only reason I'm here right this second is that I think I've caught some rank stomach bug and do not plan on getting out of bed for the next 3 days. Oh and lets not forget the sniffling cold that has been passed around my group of friends due to the absolutely SHIT weather we've been having recently!

Apparently it's going to be lovely the weekend...great! You all enjoy the sun while I sweat in bed (Oh God if only I was sweating for a good reason...)

(yes things between the boyfriend and I arn't particularly great and sex is pretty much not happening...fucks sake!)

OK so I don't really remember why I started this post so I'm gonna go make myself some sweet tea and watch The Simpsons.

*cough* speak to you soon.

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