Wednesday 8 August 2007


If you saw a girl brazenly baring her feet to the torturous London streets with nothing but a couple of plasters on them, but a pair of mustard, peep-toe, 3 inch thin heeled sandals in her hands what would you do?



Give a dirty look?

STEP on her feet?

Fucking Londoners...I might be one of yer but some of you get on my friggin tits!

I'm not being funny but I walk a hellova long way in my heels. My friends and I do so on a regular basis and very rarely wear flat heels. But yesterday, the weather screwed me up and I couldn't take it anymore. These shoes were rubbing before I left the house (but they were pretty and went with my dress you have to understand) but I'd applied plenty of plasters and hoped for the best. During my shopping trip I walked from Tottenham court road, to Marble Arch, back to oxford circus and through to Covent Garden (all the while shopping in and out of shops remember) the final leg of my journey being from Covent Garden to St was a fair walk.

Problem started with the rain, you see rain rubs off plasters and makes my fake leather shoes hurt more. then the bright sun shrinks the frickin' shoes and they rub even more!!

I was in the kind of pain you would never imagine could stem from a pair of shoes, honestly, with every step I gasped and felt ready to pass out.

So I made the decision. Fuck all of you. The shoes came off and I walked barefoot!

Now, if you ever see a girl walking barefoot, with plasters and CARRYING obviously worn shoes, are you going to be rude? Do you really want me to throw the dam things at you and kick you to a sniffling pulp?

Cos I will....I really fucking will.

Next time: smile, give a pitying look...flirt (my feet were bleeding but the nails were pretty! lol)


Anonymous said...

I would have offered to give you some new plasters. :)
Didn't your feet get dirty?

Freddy said...

An enterprising caring knight in modern-day armour would have offered you a piggyback ride...

Red Lippy said...

Yup Anon they did get dirty, but i avoided the most questonable areas of the pavement!

And Freddy...if such a knight existed I have yet to meet him (though feel free to introduce us!)...the dirtiest looks from the blokes! I think a lot of the women understood my pain!

Lady in red said...

I have been known to walk bare footed with shoes in hand when the shoes have got too painful and the blisters too big. But never in london. dont you find that your eyes are constantly watching the path rather than looking ahead my biggest fear is always that I will step on broken glass or something equally bad.